Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old Things

I’ve always loved old things. Old furniture, old homes, old jewelry, old souls… When I got married, my husband did not share my affinity for antiques and he referred to my small collection as “broken down junk.” To his defense, some of my antique pieces were hanging on by a thread and somewhat unsafe!! As in all relationships, there has been some compromise and I’ve parted ways with some of my antiques, and he as well has embraced a little of the patina and “character”! One of my favorite things in the world is to go to garage sales! There is nothing like a good treasure hunt! My husband doesn’t share this passion for rummaging and fears that more broken down junk will flood our home!! This past Summer all five of us were loaded in the car to hit the local farmers’ market for some fresh produce and on our way out we spotted some garage sale signs. “Do you want to stop?,” my husband asked. I was shocked and said, “Well, let’s just drive by.” As we passed the home I noticed 2 old school chairs on the sidewalk and I knew we had to stop. I ran to look at them, solid English oak, all banged up and beautiful and I knew my twin girls would love these to play school with. They were 2 for $50. I asked if they would take $40 and got an immediate “yes”!! My husband gave them a quick thumbs up and before I knew it we were loading them into the back of our car. I was overwhelmed and my husband looked at me and said, “are you crying?????” “Yes,” I said with a laugh! I really was choked up and I wasn’t sure if it was because of this amazing find that I knew we’d have for the rest of our lives, or if it was because my husband genuinely liked the chairs too and wanted them. It was like he fully came into my world and liked it! I felt very loved in that moment and very known. It takes a lot of time for 2 to become 1 and the journey has many ups and downs, but taking the best parts of 2 people and blessing each other with love and understanding is one of the greatest gifts of marriage. I never knew that buying 2 old school chairs at a garage sale would make me feel so loved, but then again, I never knew that someone dying on an old rugged cross would make me feel so loved either.

1 comment:

  1. You and your husband are me and Lindsay. unbelievable... :)



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