Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't Assume Too Much

I can no longer assume he’s sleeping! My son was put down for his daily nap on Friday and all seemed well. Until I opened his door after an hour or so to find that he was not sleeping, but had climbed out of his crib (first time), turned on the lights, and decided to destroy his room – all in a stealth like manner! Sometimes I’m so certain of what is going on that I don’t even stop to question or check in. I knew baby boy was sleeping from 1-3, that’s our daily routine! Oh how wrong I was! It’s easy to get comfortable in our routine and begin to stop paying attention and that is when we open ourselves up for a sneak attack! It’s like that in my life as a follower of Jesus, a mom and a wife. It’s so important that I daily check in with my God and don’t just assume that all is going well and put our relationship on the back burner. In the same way, I need to keep up with the goings on of my children and my husband. Those are valuable relationships and if I don’t keep them in the forefront, I open myself up for attack and destruction. I remember when I was in high school, my mentor was married and we called them “Ken & Barbie.” They were perfect in every way! I said to Jenny, “you know Sean would never cheat on you right?” Her response shocked me and has stuck with me to this day, “I hope not,” she said. You hope not??? What? Aren’t you more sure than that? Why would you marry someone that you hoped wouldn’t cheat on you? I want someone who I know won’t cheat on me! She went on to explain that no one is above temptation and the moment we think we are, we open ourselves up for a great fall. We can’t assume too much. As a high school student that was unsettling. But now as a wife, those words haunt me. Not out of fear that my husband will be unfaithful, but just at the potential of sin and the enemy that is always working in a stealth like manner. Don’t assume that he knows how much you appreciate his working overtime if you haven’t told him. Don’t assume that he feels loved and respected if you haven’t shown him. And don’t assume that a harmless conversation, facebook friend, e-mail, or coffee meeting can’t lead to destruction in a home. Luckily it was only my son’s bedroom that got destroyed this time! But this little event opened my mind to think that I need to wake up a bit and pay closer attention to the relationships around me. I need to check in more and assume less. What areas of your life do you need to check in with? Are you assuming too much? Take an active role in the relationships you’ve been blessed with and watch your life flourish and grow.
I had to include this photo of my son
hurling his life-sized Mickey Mouse through the air!

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