Monday, January 4, 2016


Happy New Year!
As is my tradition, I spent the morning of January 1, 2016 on the beach alone.

I've done this for as many years as I can remember - my time to reflect on the year that just ended and look ahead to the one just beginning.
With my journal, Bible and thermos of hot tea, I sat and stared at the placid ocean before me.
I got out and began to walk on the shore and happily enjoyed what Winter does to the beach -
the sand changes, little cliffs form, and bigger rocks and shells scallop the water's edge.
I looked down to see some larger than normal pieces of sea glass.
Pure treasure.
There was the normal green and brown glass, but I also spotted some unusual clear glass that had become frosted with the days of being worn down by the sand and sea.

"What must have broken to cause such large pieces of sea glass?"
I wondered.
The brown and green glass - beer bottles we all assume!
But the large pieces of clear glass?

What has to break to make such beautiful things?

That very question stuck with me as I walked.
Of course God makes beauty out of ashes, He redeems and makes all things new.
He takes our broken pieces and makes something beautiful out of them.

But what if breaking is intentional from the start, in order to create something beautiful?
Not just redeeming the brokenness, but purposing the breaking?
I sought the clear glass as I continued to walk, thrilled at each discovery!
When I got back to my car, I pulled out my journal and began reflecting on 2015.  But I also pondered 2016 in light of that question, "What has to break to make something beautiful in my life?"

I've had some ideas, dare I say "dreams," about some things but I'm a little insecure about them.
I don't know how to accomplish these dreams.
I'm afraid. 

What needs to break to make something beautiful in my life?
The strongholds of fear and insecurity that paralyze me - that's what needs to break!

As I journaled and reflected, my "one word" for 2016 came to me.
My one word for the year was hanging around my neck:

I saw this necklace, created by two beautiful women, that simply says "Brave"
When I read the inspired verse on Rebekah Gough's website, I knew I had to have it

"But you, GOD, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, you lift my head high; With all my might I shout up to GOD, His answers thunder from the holy mountain."
Psalm 3:3-4

 the Shield Collection was done in collaboration with Goldpress Paper and lettered by the amazing Alisha Sanvicens (who was a student in my college ministry).

I asked for it for Christmas and when I opened it,
I just knew it was more than a piece of jewelry for me.
This is my badge to wear this year.
I will not be bound by fear or insecurities.
By the power of God within me, I will break these strongholds and be Brave and watch beautiful things come from my life this year.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much Raeanne! And so glad this piece resonated! :)



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