Anything that we place above God is an idol in our life. Anything. Many years back I was faced with a large decision in my life; to move to a new city and take on a new job, or move into a new condo I had just bought and carry on in my familiar city with friends and a great job. One verse leapt off the page to me as I sought wisdom from God, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” – Jonah 2:8 The big roadblock for me was this condo that I dreamed about and wanted to move into so badly that I could taste it! But holding onto that condo was potentially keeping me from something amazing if I’d be willing to let go. I did and amazing blessing flooded my life in a new city with a new job. Yesterday in church our pastor spoke about idols in our life. What today is a priority above God for me? What dominates my time, if not Him? One thing quickly came to mind – my computer. At any free moment I run to quickly check e-mails or check social networking sites to see what’s going on, is anyone thinking of me? Did anyone comment on my status? Are there any new photos? It might sound silly and innocent, but it's a bit of an obsession. If I spent all that time praying or reading verses, I think my day would look radically different. My need to feel important, included, and relevant is something I’ve placed before God, in fact, instead of God! For truly He is the only one who can give importance to my life, make me feel apart of something larger than myself, and use me to impact the world for His glory. As of today I am on an indefinite social networking hiatus. I hope to return in the right time with a proper sense of priorities! What idols do you have? Is there anything in your life that you value more than God? Marriage? Kids? Job? Your dog? Your home? Fashion? Time on your computer? Anything that we place above God is an idol in our life.
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