Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Birthday

I just celebrated my birthday last weekend and at lunch with my dear girlfriends I was asked: what the best part of my 36th year of life was and what I was most looking forward to in this coming year. I quickly said the birth of my baby boy was my highlight last year and was just as quickly reminded that he was born when I was 35!!! So it looks like having 3 kids has taken it’s toll on my memory and sense of time! But those questions prompted me to take some time to reflect on the past year and start to set some goals for this year to come.
Things I am thankful for from this past year of life are:
Watching my daughters fall in love with their baby brother
Watching my husband fall in love with his son
Celebrating 5 years of marriage
Taking a parenting class that has changed my life
Watching my daughters fall in love with learning through preschool
Going on a weekend marriage retreat with my husband
Celebrating the holidays with lots of family and friends
Getting to speak at a college retreat in Seattle
Celebrating my brother’s 40th year of life
Watching my son take his first steps
Going with my daughters to their first tea
Taking a trip to Cabo with my husband
Getting to speak to the young adults of Bel Air Pres
Watching my daughters fall in love with the ocean at the beach
Spending a life changing weekend with my Grandmother a month before she died
Being surrounded by many who love me and call me higher
I am a blessed woman and could go on and on about all that I’m thankful for as I reflect. As far as goals for the next year, well, those will probably become more apparent in future posts!

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