Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quit Complaining and Take A Risk!

We've been at VBS this week and it's really incredible to see
all these children get fired up about God!
I have a special role this year - I get to travel around the classes of the little littles, checking in on their leaders and being a source of encouragement to them throughout the week.
It's been amazing how God has woken me up each morning between 4-4:30am to pray for these leaders.  Thankfully He also blesses me with falling back asleep for another hour or so after!
As I go through each of their names, about 50! and then pray for each child by name, God speaks gentle words, "pray that she will be surprised today, pray that she will find joy today..."
It's been a sweet privilege.
Today the leaders will be sharing with the children about how the Isrealites didn't trust God.  God had promised them a land flowing with milk and honey, God longed to provide for the Israelites.  We read in Numbers 13 that some men went ahead to check out this incredible land and they saw amazing provisions, but they also saw very strong people.  They were intimidated by the "giants" that lived in the land that God had promised to them.  Caleb said to the people, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."  I love his courage and his confidence!
But the others said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are."
So the people of Israel didn't go into the land that God promised to them, instead they complained, were ungrateful and disobeyed God.  They were so close to receiving all that God wanted to give them, but they were scared and doubted God.
So many times in our lives, God has something special to give us.  He has an incredible blessing to bestow upon us, but it first requires us taking a risk.  Perhaps we must quit a job in order to step into a new one.  We might need to make the first move to initiate a new friendship.  Maybe we need to step out of our comfort zone and say "yes" to an opportunity that we've been nervous about.  Whatever it is, if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and rely on His strength, instead of getting overwhelmed by all the "what ifs" as we look at the giants, He will provide for us and bless us as we follow His leading.  Our responsibility is to obey.  God's responsibility is to provide a way.
This very truth is something that God has been putting on my heart for a few years now and I've been spending too much time getting scared by the "what ifs" and intimidated by the "giants" that are lurking, but we've decided to take a huge risk and follow God's leading into a new chapter for our family.
I'll be sharing more about this in the months to come!
For now, is God leading you somewhere that you are unsure of?  Is He asking you to take a risk and trust Him?  Remember, He loves to give good gifts to His kids and in order to receive the blessing, you just might have to stand up to those giants!!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!
    It is sooo evident that God is covering us, loving us and encouraging us each day at VBS!!

    I told Mary and Jen to place me wherever God wanted me before this week got started. It is so like our God to lovingly place me in the most uncomfortable role...puppet theater!
    I can't tell you the anxiety I had (and still do on occasion) to get up in front of kids as Detective D.
    For 12 years, I was a public speaker, worked and taught in front of CEOs and executives, but children? No way! With God's Word? No way!
    He has shown me such great love, great freedom and more so, how I can trust Him! His name will be known among all in His way, His timing, by His people. Not only have I been able to connect with these kids but their parents, VBS volunteers but my wonderful high school student puppeteer, Cassie. I love her and look forward to walking with her!
    This week has been a great opportunity to be in prayer for these kids, the young leaders as well as for ourselves to be open to God's leading, to let the Spirit be "improv" this week instead of following OUR script.

    Thank you Raeanne for your uplifting, well written and encouraging prayers. We all love you!
    Loving God one foot in front if the other.
    Chanda aka
    "Detective D".



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