‘Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house,
everyone was resting, even that old trusty mouse!
It's been quite a year with adventures and firsts, some were quite grand
and others the worst!
she ran
for Student Council Treasurer and guess what? She won!
Mack can't
get enough of any sport with a ball, from baseball to soccer, the boy plays it
He's had many firsts with school and water skies;
while he slept his
first tooth came out with great ease!
Emma had a first that wasn't so
fun, a trip to the ER with pneumonia in the midst of the summer sun. She
continues to dance and can't stop spinning, she leaps and she jumps and never
stops singing!
All of the children are now back in school, it's a first
for this mom and it's really quite cool!
Daddy’s knee was reconstructed
which wasn't his first!
But he had his first appendectomy and that was
the worst!
A year filled with firsts, some rough and some better,
made it through stronger and so happy together.
With God our great guide,
forgiver and mender, He sent His son Jesus as a baby so tender.
always been working since time first began, to love us and draw us right into
His hand.
His hand that can take all of our broken pieces, and make
something new, His work never ceases. First joys and first pain, He is
always there; He loves you and knows you, each detail His care.
So make
this a Christmas with Jesus the center,
He's the giver of firsts and His second
chances are even better!
Now I'll be the first to end this
note right, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Love the Newquist Family