
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Let's All Be Brave... in our own way!

It was a year ago this week that my husband was going in for his 3rd knee surgery.
As I was telling a girlfriend the schedule for surgery day, 
when I came to the part of him being put under, I paused.
An unexpected lump came into my throat and I almost lost it.
As I fought back tears, my friend said, "It's no big deal.  It's not heart surgery!"
Um... WHAT?
I was very aware of the fact that this was not a life or death surgery, but there is always risk when you're under anesthesia and beside, this is MY husband!
I was scared.

As I posted in the beginning of this year, my one word for the year is
I didn't pick it.
It picked me.
I've been working on a project that is taking me out of my comfort zone and I assumed that the word BRAVE would apply to this new venture.
It does.
But that's not all.
This is a challenging week for me personally and whereas I'm more than aware that many are facing far more difficult circumstances, some life and death, this is MY tough circumstance and I need to be BRAVE.
Bravery looks different for everyone.
For some, being brave means walking away from a difficult relationship.
For others, being brave means staying, and working through it.
Being brave could mean taking a risk and following your dream,
writing that book, launching that company, going on that mission trip...
Or being brave might mean trusting your life into someone's hands for a time, giving up control.
I know it is different for everyone, that's why I will not compare my brave moments to yours.
For no matter how extreme or different the circumstances, bravery demands the same of all of us - 
Ultimately I know I can be BRAVE this week because I trust the God that made me.
I trust His word to be true and I trust that He will do exactly what He says He will do.
Every time.
All the time.
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Life is promised to bring everyone challenges.
Some are extremely difficult and others are mildly uncomfortable, but
Let's All Be Brave!
And encourage one another to trust God's promises to be true.
He is with us, so we can be


  1. This was beautiful. And challenging in all of the right ways. Thank you...

  2. سعر المصاعد الكهربائية في مصر مع مقارنة المواصفات والمزايا والعيوب وتكاليف الإعداد بغض النظر عن أسعار المصاعد في مدينتك ، هناك تكاليف إعداد أخرى مرتبطة بإعداد منزلك لتركيب المصعد ، ويمكن أن يكلف التعديل عشرات من بالآلاف والتعديلات الداخلية مثل الأبواب ومداخل المصاعد في كل طابق وطابق ، والإضاءة المخصصة يمكن أن تضيف إلى التكلفة. في حين أن التكلفة الأولية يمكن أن تكون كبيرة ، يمكن للمصاعد المنزلية أن تضيف قيمة إلى الممتلكات الخاصة بك بتقديرات تبدأ من 10 في المائة من القيمة الحالية للمنزل.
