
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Let It Go

I know we make a lot of excuses once we become mothers - like we dress like hobos because our kids are just going to spit up on us.  Or when they get a little older we still dress like hobos because we seem to spend more time and money on cute outfits for them than for ourselves!
And we don't do our hair, let alone go get our hair done because there simply isn't time!  
Praise God for the ponytail!!
Since becoming a mother, I only go to the salon once a year to get my hair done.
Once a year.
And every time I leave the salon I think, "why did I wait so long to do this?"
Perhaps you remember a few weeks ago my little ladies made their first visit to the salon to lose 8 inches of their hair to donate.  On that day I kept telling the hairdresser that I'd be back at the end of summer to have mine cut off too!  
It's been getting WAY TOO LONG!
But why was I going to wait?
My hair is a long straggly mess.
I wear it up all the time because it's too long to manage - not to mention how many times a day my kids accidentally pull my hair when it's down!  A cute hug from them could mean a headache and serious bruising for me as they pull my hair in their embrace.
I grabbed the phone and just made an appointment right then.
Why did I need to wait until the end of summer?
As I sat in the chair, I realized that I didn't take a before picture!
(And sadly have since realized that I have no pictures of my hair at the great length it was! 
 Longest it's been since high school!)
I had the hairdresser snap a quick pic just after she washed it, before the big cut.

You can't really tell with the Darth Vader cape and wet hair how long it really is, but trust me, if I were wearing high waisted mom jeans, my hair would rest a few inches above the belt!

7 inches gone.
Praise the Lord!

How awkward is it taking photos of yourself in the bathroom mirror?
How in the world is there a "selfie" obsession?

after pondering why it took me so long to have my hair cut and why I would possibly keep putting it off, I came to a few conclusions - #1  Although I wanted to cut my hair, I kinda liked the attention I got from friends and family about how long it was.  I often heard, "I can't believe how long your hair is!" 
 And that attention felt kinda good.
You know what's funny?
Many of my friends haven't even noticed that's it's gone!  
Neither did my family!
Oh vanity!
You silly little fool!
Conclusion #2  The little voice in my head that says, "It took you about 4 years to grow your hair this long, and will take about 10 minutes to cut it all off."
Time wasted.
But here's the point friends - Conclusion #3 - The main reason I kept putting off cutting my hair is the same reason why I put many things off - I'm lazy.

Yikes - how many other things do I hold onto because of my vanity, personal investment, or laziness?
I think it's time I take the scissors to some areas of my life and stop making excuses!
Some things just need to go!
(insert your most favorite Frozen tune here "Let It Go")


  1. the 'hobos' and 'high waisted mom jeans' had me CRACKING up!!!

  2. Apparently, the Soetaerts were both cracking up. The question is not only why is there a selfie obsession, but why are high waisted jeans/shorts a trend that is coming back? You are too funny! And you hair is super cute!
