
Monday, April 28, 2014


Have you ever been to a funeral..... for a bee?
I have.

I looked out the window to see this little set-up and asked the kids what was going on?
They replied, "we're having a funeral for our dear friends Honey and Hugs."
"Who?" I asked.
"Honey and Hugs, our bee friends who drowned in the pool.  Will you come to the funeral?"
"Um, sure.  I guess."

I loved these posted notes!
"our dear best friends not for long though!"

 Each child did a reading for the bees.

 Each child placed leaves and petals where the bees were buried.

And then they passed a can to collect an offering for the bees.  Leaves were handed out previously for us to use as our offering!

The "service" was so thought out.
Their words were kind and relevant.
They even prayed!
It was quite impressive.

I know these were just bees, but their lives were honored by my children!
Makes me think of the care God gives to all of His creation.
He has made specific places for them to live and sleep.
He has made specific foods for them to eat.
He takes care of all their needs.
How much more does He care for each of His children?

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