
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Clothe Yourself with Kindness

In our God's Girls group, we've been talking about the different characteristics that a girl who belongs to God should exemplify.  
We recently discussed Kindness.
"Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
Colossians 3:12

In the spirit of "clothing" ourselves in these characteristics, we made paper dolls!
The girls each cut out a girls and then I put out tons of scrapbook papers and let them go nuts with their imaginations to clothe their girls!

Look at the shoes and hats!!!
These girls should be designers!

Each piece of clothing was assigned a characteristic:
Compassion was over our legs - a skirt, shorts or pants - because we pictured bending down to care for a child and get on their level to have compassion on them.
Kindness was over our heart - a shirt or blouse - because we felt that true kindness had to come from our hearts.
Humility was over our heads - a hat - because humility is thinking of yourself in a right way.
Gentleness was something soft - a purse or gloves - because to be gentle we must be soft in our words and actions
Patience was over our feet - shoes - because we can run out ahead, but we should walk patiently.

These amazing little girls created lovely paper dolls that I pray will remind them of all the beautiful characteristics God wants them to clothe themselves with everyday!

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