
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Measure Up

We've been working on our measuring skills.

In an effort to make it fun and interesting, we put on our chef coats and started to make pretzels.

I did my best not to step in and make everything perfect and uniform!
I confess, that when it comes to things in the kitchen, I get very particular.
My children LOVE to help in the kitchen, but I'm not very good at letting them.
I'll let them start, but I'm quick to step in and "show" them how (aka, do it for them so it's done right!)
"It's just food.
What's the big deal?
Let them do it!"
I often tell myself, but my hands take over and next thing I know, I've completed the dish.

Not this time.
I was determined to let them do it all and have fun!
I kept reminding myself that it was about the measuring
 Not the perfect pretzel rope!

Into the baking soda bath and onto the oven.

Some salted, some cinnamon sugar.
They were delicious!
The children had a blast making them, measuring them, and eating them.
I had a great lesson in self control and keeping my hands off!
How do you measure up?  Is it difficult to be hands off and let your children create?

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