
Monday, February 24, 2014

Cowboy Cookout Part 1

Well, we had a fun filled weekend celebrating our little man who turned 5!
Per his request several months ago,
we had a Cowboy Cookout.

Here he is, getting the fire ready with his Daddy.   
A few days before, I started prepping my little Cowboy about being a good host at his party.
I told him that he needed to make everyone feel welcome.
We prayed that everyone who walked through our home that day would feel the presence of God
and they would feel peace.  We prayed that there would be lots of
laughter and fun!

Well, God answered that prayer and then some!
It was a fun filled party with lots of laughter!
I'll put up a full post of party pics on Wednesday,
for now here is a sneak peek at one of my favorite things - the cake!

Happy Monday Y'all!
Lots of pics up on Wednesday, so y'all come back now ya hear!


  1. That cake is AMAZING! I'm sure it was delicious too.

  2. Awesome!! So glad he had a ball. Can't wait to see the other pictures
