
Friday, July 22, 2011

Yummy Summer - 3 Fun Ideas

My Yummy Summer posts are almost over, so I’m going to throw out a few ideas today of fun things to do with your littles this summer.
I’d love to know what you are doing with your children this summer – do share!

First Up – The Cook Out
Even though we have a BBQ, there is something so fun and special about having a little backyard cookout where the kids get to be involved. Our children are still little, so we opted to use charcoal instead of wood so that there were not big flames to worry about! We gathered around the “fire” and roasted hot dogs and for dessert – s’mores of course!
If you don’t have a little fire pit, you can get an inexpensive disposable hibachi grill at the market and use that. Put it in an unexpected location in your backyard and enjoy the cookout! Something so small can provide lots of fun and great memories for your family.
Second Up – Go Local
Even though I’ve lived in Southern California for almost 15 years, I’m still discovering new and fun things to do. I just discovered a little Mexican Ranch about 10 minutes from our home that does a kids’ program on Tuesdays in the summer. We headed out and for $4 we got to feed sheep, goats and see long horned steer, watch the blacksmith, learn to wash clothes the old fashioned way on a washboard and make homemade tortillas! It was a blast. If you are in So Cal, check out Leonis Adobe in Calabasas
It’s amazing what you can find in your own local community that is fun and new for your family this summer.
Lastly – The First Time
Every summer I try to allow my children to do something “for the first time.” I think it is fun to create a summer highlight that they will always remember. It can be something big like their first airplane ride. Or something small like their first time seeing a movie in the theater (which is what we did this summer!). But they’ll always remember the summer when they ____ for the first time!

Some ideas for Summertime Firsts:
First movie in the theater
First sleep over
First time waterskiing
First time swimming without floaties
First time to a water park
First popsicle
First camping trip
First time on an airplane
I hope you all are having a wonderful summer! What yummy things have you been doing with your littles?
Yummy Summer is a weekly project to share our summertime ideas.
Join the fun:
* post your fabulous idea for a summertime craft, day trip, activity, tip, recipe… you name it! And either link up or share your ideas in a comment below for everyone to enjoy.


  1. As my Yummy Summer idea of the day is in the "oven," er, the post about it will have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe later today. If I'm lucky.

  2. I'm trying to link up to Yummy Summer, but the button doesn't seem to be working. Problem on my end?

  3. wow! tons of great ideas here! i love blog world because there's so much fun stuff out there.Treasure Hunt Game
