
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beyond My Imagination

On Monday we made a spontaneous trip to the aquarium. We had so much fun looking at the vast array of God’s creation and marveling at His creativity. From the jelly fish to the sea turtles – God has a wild imagination! I was a bit overwhelmed with just how many different kinds of fish there are – and the aquarium only holds a fraction. At one point my husband said, “Why? What’s the purpose of some of these strange creatures?” I don’t really know why God created seahorses (did you know that the males carry the babies until they are born?!!), or invertebrates or stingrays. But I’m glad He did. As my brain ached from learning about the octopus and the sheer size of the blue whale hanging from the ceiling overshadowed us I realized that I cannot wrap my head around God. He is beyond my imagination. I cannot fathom or grasp His ways and His purposes or plans and that felt good. There are so many things that I have no knowledge of, yet I love knowing that the creator of those mysterious, unknown things, has full knowledge of me. He does not make mistakes.
He does not make anything without purpose.
Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths; let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted.” Psalm 148:7,13

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