
Friday, May 13, 2011

Grateful for My Girlfriends

I’ve been one blessed Moma when it comes to girlfriends. Some friendships are for a season and some are for a lifetime, but either way, I’m grateful that I’ve never been without. In each season of life God has richly blessed me with exactly what I’ve needed when it comes to
dear sisters in Christ to journey through life with me.
This week has been rich with girlfriend love! One lovely friend sent me a beautiful Mother’s Day gift and card and I was so blessed by her thoughtfulness! I’m grateful for Vonda. This week a sweet friend called to share some exciting news. I was thrilled to share in her joy and spend an evening together chatting and reviewing her latest project. I am grateful for Kristi who I only met a year ago, but knew quickly that we were meant to be friends with our shared love of Jesus and garage sales!
Sheena showed up at my home the night before my daughter’s birthday party and simply said, “do you need any help?” WHAT? She stayed for 4 hours and baked all the cookie wands for the little fairies and I couldn’t have been more blessed by her generosity! I’m grateful for Sheena, a treasured friend for over 15 years.
Tonight I get to take out a precious friend to say “thank you” for taking some photographs for me (I'm bringing her a jar of my Kitchen Sink Cookies!). I met Hillary about six years ago when I couldn’t take my eyes off her tiny baby boy in our church Mom’s group. She since has become a dear friend who I admire greatly. She loves the Lord and seeks Him daily to fill her and transform her family. She is filled with wisdom about life and motherhood and she makes some fabulous homemade lemonade! I am grateful for Hillary.
Most of all I’m grateful for a God who knows me better than I know my self and that He has placed women in my life who love me, challenge me and point me towards Jesus.


  1. Thank you for your inspiration. I can't do without my GHFs now. :)

  2. LOVE your post... girlfriends are the best!!
