
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Embrace Mother's Day

Every year all I ask for for Mother's Day is a photo of me with my children. 
And every year it's painful!
The children were dedicated at church on Sunday and it was a very special time.
Right after church we attempted my request for a photo
Little Dude was not into it

Now the girls were not into it
Little Dude ran away!  And if I stick my fingers in their "pitters" it makes them giggle!  But I only have 2 hands and 3 kids, so...
Oh, this one is nice!  But I'm missing a child!
This one is as good as it gets!
At least we try!  And you should too - get in front of the camera with your littles for once!

*Link up with me every Tuesday for Yummy Summer where we swap Summertime ideas, crafts, recipes and plans so together we can make this a very Yummy Summer for our families!


  1. They are all fabulous! That "two hands, three kids" thing is starting to freak me out. #3 arrives in August. Beautiful family!

  2. hehe.. they are too cute! I ask for the samething and it's always an ordeal. ;)

  3. you captured some great real-to-life moments there and you look beautiful in all.
    pitters? lol. LOVE it.

  4. I can't believe you don't know what Silver Dollar City is! It's an amusement/old time craft type park in Branson Missouri. If you ever go you should wear your climbing shoes. And so funny, who takes their kids to a casino on mothers day? You are to funny!!! Btw my kids hate the whole picture thing too. I think it is universally dispiesed!!

  5. great pictures, it is hard to get everyone to smile at the same time. your kids are adorable

  6. I think all of them are great! So funny! adorable pics :)

  7. great embracing!! love the pics! your littles are so cute!
