
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Movie Night

My littles LOVE to watch movies and almost every Friday night we have movie night, invite some of the neighbors over and make pizza.  In lieu of our traditional kiddo Halloween party this year, we did a toned down version and made Friday night a Halloween movie night!  No costumes, just black and orange.  No crazy food prepared (as I'm in the custom of doing!), just simple pizza and "mummy dogs" and lots of fun!
 Getting ready for our little friends to come!  I found this super yummy free Halloween font!
 Daddy got the chalk board ready
And no party would be complete without the flags!
We set up a little serve yourself snack bar - orange of course!  (carrots, orange bell pepper and dip were also present, but not pictured!)

 I got crafty (now that we don't cable!) and made the girls headbands!
Our kiddo craft was little jack-o-lantern lights
 The most favorite activity is trick-or-treating through the house!
Here are the buckets of loot!
 The Momas had vegetable monster soup
 Yummy movie snacks
and the highlight - the movie!  Micky Mouse's Halloween
But here was my highlight!  My girlfriend made these rice krispy treats and I'll never be the same again!!  They have butterscotch and milk chocolate chips in them!  Crazy good - change your life good!
Happy Halloween!


  1. Super love it. All of it. Especially the headbands. The tulle is a fabulous idea. Also, love the knot in the middle. I wanna go to one of your parties, I'm telling you!

  2. Super cute party! Love the little names with the cute font and your darling headbands you made. I saw your comment on my post so I thought I'd reply here. Yes..photoshop is not one of those programs you can just dink around with and figure out. It isn't intuitive in my opinion. When I first started I used tutorials from this website
    and from www.twopeasinabucket. I started out only using photoshop for digital scrapbooking. I'd have to open up the tutorials and then go back and forth between my file and the tutorial. It's a little tedious, but eventually it gets easier. One of the most important things that the tutorials didn't teach me (but a digital designer friend did) is when you open up a photo to change the image size to 300 dpi and then change the size of the photo to something like 6 inches by 4 inches. I hope that helps.

  3. OMG! I missed out on an amazing party! I love the decor and the snacks are so cute.

    New follower from followers fest!

  4. love the monster soup, stopping by from the followers fest, i'd love for you to visit my blog and check out the huge giveaway going on- xoxo, nicole

  5. such a cute party!!! i love all the ideas! i'm definitely saving this one for a future part. love it!

    new follower from the follow fest :)

  6. I am a new follower through follower fest! You are so CRAFTY! I love it!!! It looks like a good time had by all :)
