
Friday, January 9, 2015

Grateful Heart Friday

A few years back I did a little something on my blog called "Grateful Heart Friday."
I still hold to the truth that we're not born with grateful hearts, we need to cultivate them!
Which means we need to practice gratitude everyday until it becomes like breathing - it just happens naturally on it's own without trying!
Last year I did an amazing study with some friends on the beloved book
 "1000 Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. 
It was incredible to say the least. 
Haven't read it?  Do it!
A huge part of being content (*my word for 2015),
 is to recognize and receive the gifts that are all around us, everyday. 
If we are always looking for something other than what we've been give,
we miss out on the gift that is right now.
When I say, "thank you," I am receiving what is being offered in the moment and I am filled.
I am content.
With that, let's stop and say thanks for all the gifts we received this week as
 Grateful Heart Friday commences!
I'm grateful for a dear friend who took my 3 children for the evening so that I could bless another friend with a ride to the airport.  I'm grateful for a soft-start to our homeschool week.  I'm grateful that my children love to learn and are eager to work! (at least this week they were!!)  I'm grateful for Downton Abby starting!!!  I'm also super grateful for American Idol starting!!  It's those simple pleasures!!  I'm grateful for a new lamp.  I'm grateful for an awesome hike in our town with beautiful views and mountains.  I'm grateful for fabulous friends that live across the street.  I'm grateful for a husband that took off work to get our plumbing issues fixed so I didn't have to.  I'm grateful for the Cooking Club.  I'm grateful for fun kiddo activities starting up.  I'm grateful for the start of award season!  I'm grateful for cloudy days and sunny days at the beach.
I'm grateful for hot cocoa with my hubby and his willingness to step out.
I'm grateful for a God who never ceases to extend great gifts to His kids!
What are you grateful for?
Make it known!
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done."
Psalm 105:1

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! Content and simplify are my words for this year! Great to see you post something on your blog! Hope you enjoyed your holidays!
