
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So Long For Now

When I first started this blog about 4 years ago, God gave me a vision for this space and it was a gift to get to write and express what God was teaching me.  As the years went on, I've drifted in and out of that vision and as of late, I just have no vision at all.  I miss the words coming to me freely.  I miss the intimate moments with God as I'd write.  And I miss the clarity of "why" I was blogging.

I recently finished the Beth Moore study, Stepping Up - a study of the Psalms of Ascent.  It was awesome!  She kept saying that if we're going to take the next step with God on this journey, we're going to have to let go of somethings, lighten our load, so that we can move forward.  I immediately thought of this blog.  It's kinda been weighing me down.  I seriously think about it all the time!  Mostly about how I don't want to write and have nothing to say!

Well, I've decided that I'm going to step away for awhile, perhaps forever.  I'm ready to move on to where God is taking me and for now I need to shed a few pounds!  I'm leaving this blog by the side of the road.  Maybe I'll come back to pick it up one day.

Until then.  Blessings to all and perhaps there is something in your life that you need to let go of for a season so God can bring new life into another area!!


  1. I am seriously so sad! But I also get it. I honestly don't know how mothers who homeschool their children have time to blog (CRAZY!) You have important jobs to do, and God is most definitely going to help you prioritze them. I have loved feeling connected to you in blog-land, after all these years. Please don't be a stranger :) Hugs, Ashley

  2. I will miss reading about your family and happenings, but I completely understand your decision. Blogging is one thing on a huge list of things to do, and it is good you are prioritizing. Blessings on your marriage/homeschooling/life adventures!
