
Friday, July 25, 2014

Best Uncle in the Universe

We recently got back from Uncle Camp.
My amazing brother does a weekend summer camp at his home for the children each year
 (my husband and I get to come too!!)
This year he took us to Off The Grid

A wonderland of gourmet food trucks, right on the Bay.

From KoJa we enjoyed Korean Short ribs and Kamikaze Fries

If I listed all the other food we ate, it would be embarrassing!
But let's just say there were few food trucks we didn't sample.

Wanna try a little Mango Strawberry Cotton Candy?
I do!!

 With full bellies, the kids laid down and looked up at the clouds.
Until the next day's adventure!

Best spot to stop for a snack.

These kids adore their uncle.
"Best Uncle in the Universe," we hear often.

Time to fly some kites, an Uncle Camp tradition.

Thanks Uncle Kenny for another great year at camp!
You truly are the Best Uncle in the Universe!

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