
Monday, June 2, 2014

Yummy Summer: Summer Supper Club

Yummy Summer is a series where every Monday I'll share something to make your Summer extra Yummy!  An adventure for your children, a new recipe to try, a craft project, a suggestion for date night, Moma time, all sorts of delicious ideas for this Summer!
I hope you'll share your ideas too using the comments box.  Tell us your great ideas to make this a Yummy Summer!

Kickin' off Yummy Summer with a little suggestion for the grown ups!
Summer Supper Club

Several months ago I invited 6 women to join me for a study of Ann Voskamp's book, 1000 Gifts.  
God brought each woman there for a specific reason and I have to say, it was a magical group of women.  Everyone is so different, yet we have a lot in common.  Everyone has great wisdom to offer and life experience to share.
Needless to say, we were all sad when the study ended.
Since Summer is often busy with vacations, we knew meeting weekly wouldn't work, but once a month would be totally doable!  So we grabbed Shauna Niequist's book, Bread & Wine, and started our 
Summer Supper Club!

"A love letter to life around the table with recipes," is Shauna's caption!
The book is filled with stories, life's gifts, heartbreaks, celebrations and how they are all experienced best with dear friends around the table.  She offers discussion questions and menu suggestions. 

Each woman brought something and used the recipes Shauna offers.
Everything was incredible!
Here are 2 little fun tips I have for serving cheese:
1.  Use fig leaves to place the cheese upon
2.  Crackers, bread sticks, bread... they look so much more pretty displayed in a glass!

And because the title of the book is Bread & Wine,
I made homemade baguettes!

The salad was to die for, and the homemade vinaigrette.... probably won't buy dressing ever again!

Of course there was lots of wine!

Another fun aspect was getting to cook together!
The main dish was steaks au poivre and risotto.
My girlfriend went to a real butcher shop and got beautiful filets.

 Did I mention lots of wine?!!
I didn't capture a picture of the dessert, but it was blueberry crisp with homemade vanilla ice cream!
The whole evening was just right.  
Wonderful women, incredible food, great conversation, laughter, perfect weather, and remnants of a night well spent all over the kitchen that I get to clean up today!
This Summer, get a few girlfriends together for a special dinner.
Have everyone bring something and make it extra special with flowers and candles and splurge a little on the best ingredients - you'll be glad you did!
How are you making this a Yummy Summer?

1 comment:

  1. All sounds amazing, just wish you'd share the recipes ;-)
