
Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother Daughter

On Saturday I got to spend the whole day with my little ladies
on a special Mother Daughter date.
My mom and I have been going on what we call "Mother Daughter" for quite some time!

Here's my mom and I on our Santa Barbara Mother Daughter when I was pregnant with my daughters!

 This is our Mother Daughter crew, doing what we love most!
Talking late in jammies, comfy socks and pizza!
I've known these women since I was 3 years old and they have been my mothers and my sisters!
Such special relationships and memories together!

I've been so excited to do more special things with my daughters to pass the Mother Daughter tradition down to my little loves!  We're not on our weekend get-aways quite yet!  But a whole day together, alone and then with some other mothers and daughters, was just the right start!
We started the day with manis and pedis!


 Then we met up with our God's Girls and their moms for tea.

After tea we headed to the theater to see the Sea Princess ballet.

What a special day with my little girls and their amazing friends and moms.
I feel so blessed to have 2 daughters.
I pray that we will have the close relationship that I have with my mom because there is 
something really special about a Mother Daughter relationship!

1 comment:

  1. I really admire your relationship with your mom and your daughters. You've been in my thoughts and prayers lately. XOXO
