
Friday, June 21, 2013

The Week Re-Cap

I'm not great at phone photos!
I see so many amazing collages, and fun frames ... of iPhone photos and I just can't do it!
Instagram - is it just me?  I can't really do it!
(if you have any tips, I'll take em!)
Anyhooch, here is a little re-cap of our first week of summer - mediocre phone photos and all!!!

 Monday - blueberry and raspberry picking
Tuesday - beach day
Wednesday - swimming (after my 1000 Gifts class at church - AMAZING!)
Thursday - Madagascar 3 for free at the theatre
Today we're laying low, baking blueberry muffins from our Monday harvest (recipe coming on Monday) and gearing up for our garage sale tomorrow!!
What did you do this week?
Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Just saw your comment and I'm so happy for you and your family. I'd be glad to share what I've learned. And for the pictures, try getting the app camera plus. I love the effects.
