
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The candle is out

Monday night, as I put my 6 year olds to bed for the last time, one said, "I wanted you to take a picture of me on the last day I'm 6."
Already tucked into her bed, I told her, "Moma has tons of pictures of you as a 6 year old.  In fact I took pictures of you just yesterday!"
"No Mommy.  I need one today because it's my last day being 6."
So I ran and got the camera just to take this quick photo
She's funny. 
She's become very sentimental lately and wants to save everything for "her children one day." 
Even jammies that no longer fit, classroom crafts, cards - you name it! 
She wants to hold onto it and pass it on!
(I wonder where she gets that?)

We hit up our favorite ice cream shop yesterday to celebrate them turning 7.
How cool are the heat sensitive spoons that change color in the frozen ice cream,
only to change back in your warm mouth?!!
Like those hyper color shirts when I was a kid! (remember, I'm almost 40!)
After a birthday dinner, we had little cakes for some more celebrating.
Little Miss Comedienne thought long and hard about her wish!
And just like that, the candle of another year was blown out.

We ended the evening by watching the video their Papa made them of their birth story.
I cry every time!
 I too am sentimental and want to hold onto every thing and every moment!
But I can't.
Just like the candles on the birthday cake must be blown out, things and moments in life must come to an end and make room for new wishes, adventures and moments.
I'm trying really hard to learn this and apply it in my life.  To be so fully present in the moment that I suck every bit of life out of it and don't need to hold onto it for fear that I've missed something, but can embrace the end and get excited about what comes next.
Ahhh, I'm learning!

2 more days and the girls' birthday week will end with a small birthday party.
We'll be doing a little cooking party that will be toned down from the years past.
I want to really enjoy this one in the moment and not be overwhelmed with too many details!
See, I'm learning!!
Happy Thursday friends!


  1. I'm with you on this one. I'm trying to not live in a place of regret. Things I should have done. Things I "need" to get to. I miss so much life in those piles. You are such an awesome mom with such a great family!

  2. I loved the hypercolor!! My 6th grade year book cover was made with the hypercolor material! It was SOOOO cool! Super fun birthday pics!
    Happy birthday girls!
