
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Absolutely Nothing

We just got back from a week in Cabo Mexico.
It was a "grown ups" trip as an early celebration of my father's 70th birthday and my 40th.
Our first morning in Mexico my dad said, "What do you want to do today?" 
My response, "Absolutely nothing."
And that's exactly what we did.
For a week.
Absolutely nothing!
It was glorious.
Well, I guess we did a couple of things:
We walked to "The Office" every morning for breakfast.
The tables are right in the sand
We'd sit for a few hours and enjoy the view and the food!
Lobster and shrimp omelets, chorizo and eggs...
And look at this fruit! 
Doesn't it look fake?
Then we laid by the pool and read or just stared at the ocean.
We took naps.
And went to dinner.
Go to sleep and repeat the next day!
One night we went to the fiesta at our hotel.
The food was incredible!
My handsome brother strutting across the stage!
And we discovered these nuggets of joy!
Mexican doughnuts covered in cinnamon and sugar, filled will "twinkie cream"
I think I ate 6 of these!
There were some traditional folk dancers who entertained us!
I spared you the photo of their backsides! 
One guy didn't get the memo to wear full coverage trunks!
Another favorite restaurant of ours is Maro's Shrimp House.
My folk have been going to Cabo for many years and they used to go to a place called The Shrimp House.  A man from Canada came to Cabo and opened the little place and ran it for years.  There was a Mexican man that worked there named Maro.  Several years later the man from Canada decided to go back home and sold the restaurant.  Maro had many of the recipes and he opened his own place which is packed night after night and the shrimp is to die for!
Of course we love the Mariachis too!
One day the guys jet skied while I opted to do absolutely nothing
  It was such a great, relaxing trip!
Life as a mother is rarely filled with moments of doing absolutely nothing!
We rush in the mornings to get everyone ready and out the door so we're not late for school.
We run to the market, dry cleaners, post office...
just to get home in time to pick up breakfast dishes and go pick up the children from school.
The afternoon is filled with homework, dinner prep, baths and bed time!
Whew - it's a whirlwind most days.
If only I could recharge in Mexico every other month!!
So how do we incorporate moments of doing absolutely nothing in our busy days so that we relax, catch our breath, and become so very present where we are?
I don't totally have that answer! 
But I'm doing my best to figure it out.
I'm a much happier person when I'm not a slave to business.
How to you create quiet moments of doing absolutely nothing?


  1. Please, PLEASE take me on vacation with you. I'm so desperate for that kind of break. And I'd delight in a week with you to do nothing. I'd be filled to the brim.

  2. The people in the background of the picture of R and his plate of food crack me up! I'm so glad you had the blessing of a week filled with nothing.

  3. What a wonderful looking trip! Glad you had a chance to do nothing. And Happy BIRTHDAY!

  4. That looks like an amazing time of NOTHING!! I am a wee bit envious!
    Glad you had fun!
