
Monday, March 25, 2013

Wonder Twin Power

About 7 1/2 years ago my husband and I were up in the mountains, speaking at a college retreat.  I was about 3 months pregnant with the twins and we had not yet told anyone.
I was also very sick!
One night we were asked to help serve communion to the students and I'll never forget 2 very special ladies that came up to us.  They were beautiful, sweet and identical twins!
I got very emotional, knowing that 2 tiny babies were growing inside of me at that very moment!
The next day I found them at meal time and asked they a lot of questions about being twins!  I was thrilled that I might have 2 little girls just as lovely as them one day!
About 3 years later we were at The Getty in Los Angeles for a family concert on the lawn.  It was a fun time with families, enjoying kiddo music!  As we left the museum after the concert, a family walking out in front of us kept turning around to look at us.  I didn't think much of it - by this time I was used to people looks at us with the twins.
Then one girl said, "Did you speak at the Big Bear Retreat a few years ago?"
It was those twin girls and their family!  I was so excited to introduce them to our twins and let them in on the secret I kept at that retreat!
What are the odds?
Two years later... guess who was my son's Sunday school teachers?  Those amazing twin girls!!
I just knew they were meant to be in our lives as God had crossed our paths time and again!
These young women are magical!  No seriously - they are!
They not only look like Disney princesses, but they actually worked as characters at The Magic Kingdom and even lived on Mickey's Cruise Ship for a season!
They are teachers.
They love children.
And best of all, they love Jesus!
Now we have the joy of running into them almost every Sunday and I often jokingly ask them to give my girls "twin lessons."  I want so badly for my girls to be as close as they are!  They laugh at me!
We talk about Downton Abbey, children and all things Disney.
I was stunned to find out that Miss Beth had seen the newest Tinker Bell movie - Secret of the Wings, but Miss Kate had not!  A girlie movie date was in order!
Oh, did you know that in that movie Tinker Bell finds out she has a twin sister?
Yep, it's true!
So it was all arranged and all the twins had a lovely matinee, enjoying popcorn, ice cream sundaes and Tinker Bell!
Of course Miss Kate and Miss Beth came in their fairy wings! 
One green like Tinker Bell and one in blue like Periwinkle!  Aren't they just they best?
 Oh!  And our time ended by the girls giving Disney princess pose lessons! 
Ahhhh, it was like a dream afternoon for me!
I just adore these young women and am grateful that God bought them into our lives many years ago!


  1. LOVE! That is the sweetest story I have heard! Xoxo

  2. Beautiful story- brought tears to my eyes! How special it is that your girls have big girls just like them to play & watch movies with! That's so awesome!!! All four girls are gorgeous!

  3. That really is just the sweetest story! How special to have a glimpse of the future possibilities for your girls. One day they may be investing in set of little girls themselves.

  4. SO adorable. I saw Beth post a pic on instagram..but didn't know it was your sweet six year olds she was having the date with..oh my we love her too! Don't know Kate, but certain we'd love her just as much. Such a sweet day and post!
