
Monday, September 3, 2012

Make Out Monday - Game Night

It's Make Out Monday!
The theme for a September date is
Game Night
what is Make Out Monday?  click here to read more

One our honeymoon we took a deck of cards and a Cribbage Board.
In the afternoons we'd have a drink and a snack and play cards.  It was so much fun!
We don't do that much anymore.

So a simple Game Night date sounded perfect.
I used to host a monthly poker game before I was married,
so over the years I had collected some fun dishes! (no, I didn't buy anything special for the date!)

The center of the table was lined with various game baords.

And the cute dishes were filled with some of our favorite simple snacks like bruschetta or frozen love from Trader Joes!

Keep score and perhaps the winner gets a special prize!
Your turn!  You have a month to have a fun date Game Night with someone you love.
If you do, or have another great date night idea, I'd love to hear about it!!
Happy Dating!

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