
Monday, August 27, 2012

He Can Move The Mountains

We’ve enjoyed many beach days this summer.  This one particular morning I woke up to cloudy skies and knew it was yet another way of God telling me how much He loves me and that He’s got my back.  I don’t do well in the heat and going to the beach on a hot day with my littles can make me anxious.
 A dear friend joined us with her children.  As our littles played in the waves she shared with me a recent encounter she had with a missionary from India.  She was at a prayer meeting when this woman came up to her, and in her strongest Indian accent said, “I will move the mountains for you.  I will move the mountains.”  My friend has been going through some difficult transitions and circumstances of life and God was speaking right through this woman to her.  God would move these mountains in her life.
As she shared this with me, staring at the waves, tears began to stream down my face.  Throughout my struggle with anxiety, many have been kind to offer to take my children for a day so I could rest or bring us a meal or other thoughtful gestures.  Whereas I’m more than grateful for this love, I’ve felt that these offerings would be like taking a teaspoon to remove a mountain.  It just doesn’t make much of a difference because there is a huge mountain that will not go away with one day off. 
But as she spoke these words with force, “I will move the mountain for you.”  I was reminded – God moves mountains! Only God can.
On my days of being most overwhelmed with this fight against anxiety, this insurmountable mountain in my life, I am clinging to the promise that my God can move the mountains!  And this mountain of anxiety I’m on is no big challenge for my God.  He’s bigger.
No matter what you’re going through, no matter what mountains are ahead of you,
God can move the mountains!


  1. He can & WILL move your mountains!
    So awesome that you have Christian friends who are able to speak into your life when you need it most! Praying for you, my friend. You have blessed so many, allow God now to bless YOU!

  2. God will move mountains for you I promise! I've been there and haven't been in seven years. Thanks always for your kind words. And I wanted to ask if you've done any cbt with your therapist. That and the Lord is what really worked for me.
