
Friday, April 20, 2012

My Snarky Girls

This year I’ve had the blessing of meeting with a group of Pepperdine Freshmen to walk along side them and perhaps mentor them here and there.  I’ve learned so much from these women as they’ve shared their journey of their first year of college with me.
One bravely left school in the middle of the semester to escape an abusive situation.  I marveled at her strength and courage to walk out and go home.  One has freely shared how her relationship with Jesus has become so real this past year, so much more than it ever was in high school.  She has a passion for Jesus that she doesn’t want to die!  Praise God!  Another boldly made the decision not to return to Pepperdine next year, but to transfer to another university.  In this past year she has examined herself and realized that Pepperdine is not the best choice for her and although she leaves behind some wonderful friends, she’s obeying God’s leading elsewhere.  And my last little love has blessed me with her honest struggles of separating the secular from the sacred, of being consumed by what others think of her, and her intense appetite for striving to be the best and achieve success.  She said that she’s realized that these things don’t really matter to God!  I was blessed by how God has worked in their lives to transform them more into His image over this past year.  I can only imagine what the next 3 years hold for them!
Blessings to you, my Snarky Freshmen girls – I’ve loved our time together and send you off to the next adventure with a blessing.
And thank you for teaching me a wonderful new word: SNARKY  Meaning sassy and slightly catty.
And now girls, our year is complete - you've officially "made the blog"!! xoxox

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