
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Little Things

Do you ever feel like God gives you the little things just to show you how much He loves you and cares about the details of your life? 

I remember once when I was in college; I had just flown back to Southern California from a trip and a friend picked me up from the airport and took me straight to school so I could make my morning class.  It was a long day of classes for me and the afternoon held my lifeguard training course.  As I ran from class to class I realized that my friend had all my luggage in his car and I needed my contacts to put in before getting into the pool.  On such an early morning flight, I opted to wear my glasses on the plane and would change later.  As I was walking down to the pool I figured that I’d have to tell the coach I couldn’t swim because I didn’t have my contacts (mind you, this was before cell phones, so I couldn’t just call my friend and ask him to bring me my contacts). 

As I walked down the hill my friend drove up next to me, rolled down his window and said that God must love me a lot to care about the little details of my life because as he sat at home, he felt that God told him to bring me my contacts!  I don’t know what shocked me more – that he actually found me on our college campus at the perfect time, or that God spoke to him about my contacts! 

I’ll never forget that.  It was a huge reminder that God knows me intimately.  He knows all my needs from the big ones to the little, seemingly insignificant ones.  I am known and I am loved.
This story came flooding back to me yesterday on my girls’ 6th birthday.  Although the party is coming this Saturday, I wanted to get photos of them on their birthday wearing something special and I really wanted rainbow balloons in the pictures.  Why?  I don’t know!  I get these crazy ideas and they eat me up!  The afternoon was wearing on and I knew I wasn’t going to get to do the photos of the girls and it just wouldn’t be the same if I took them the day after because it wouldn’t be their birthday anymore (I fixate on these little details which is another reason why I struggle with anxiety – great!).  At about 4:45pm, my girls started opening a package shipped to us from some dear friends in Tennessee.  As they tore into the gifts, our doorbell rang.  The neighbors brought the girls a bouquet of rainbow balloons!  I think I was more excited than they were!  And the gifts they were opening… none other than these amazing shirts that their sweet Auntie Gretchie made them. 
Could this be more perfect? 

I just chuckled and gave God a little wink, “You know me so well and love me more that I can even understand.  Thank you.”