
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Parties - God's Gift To Me

April is a very special month in our family - it is the major BIRTHDAY month!  Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, Daddy, Sissys... it seems that most babies in our family were born in April!  We've been in full party planning mode for the little ladies' 6th birthday and we just can't wait.  I have to say, birthday planning is one of my favorite things because it is a season when I have a project to work on and I get to do all the things I love - create, craft, cook, decorate and play.  As much work as it is, it really is one of the stand out times as a mom when I really get to be "me." 

We've all felt it and said it - sometimes we totally loose ourselves when we become a mom.  We are last on the list.  Our every moment is so much about our children and very little time is spent on us (at least not on a daily basis).  We quickly forget who we are and what makes me me.  Emily over at The Anderson Crew mentioned this yesterday.  I myself have written about it several times on this little blog - like here.  It's easy to feel like we've lost our identities when we become moms.  Sometimes we want to scream, "WHAT ABOUT ME?"

I feel like my children's birthdays are a huge gift to me!  Of course it's all about them and we celebrate them and give them gifts... but I feel like it's God's faithful, 2 times a year, gift to me when I get to be reminded of the many things I love to do and the things that make me meBirthday party planning is my excuse to do all the things I love that I truly don't have time for during the rest of the year (or the energy - let's be honest!).

There is a lot of crazy talk surrounding children's birthday parties these days - the over the top, super expensive fetes where everyone is flow in by helicopter, given a new wardrobe to wear and goes home with a party favor pony after selecting their diamond tiara.  I've heard moms say that it's all a big competition between women.  I've heard moms dig and dish about money spent.  But for me, it is so much more about living into who God created me to be and giving me the green light to dream and create.  I'm so grateful that God loves me enough that He would use something crazy like a birthday party for my children to remind me that I am not forgotten - He knows me, He knows what I love and although my life is mostly spent on others, I get to really do the things that I love to do when I get to throw a birthday party!

Crazy.  I know. 
So get ready for the Rainbow Tea Party reveal in a few weeks.  It will be very girlie (our first birthday party only for girls) and very colorful!


  1. I think it's crazy talk too, birthday parties are so much fun for everyone. The only thing over the top is how cute yours are! :)

  2. I'm so excited for you! And watching've made the idea part very easy for me this year, as Abby is in love with the idea of a rainbow birthday. So, come September there will likely be a copycat rainbow party halfway across the country. I too love the creative and artistic part of the party. It's like art time for mom. Enjoy!
