
Friday, February 10, 2012

10 on 10 February

1.  Someone was up early working on a masterpiece
2.  Hanging in front of me as I sipped my fake coffee drink
3.  The view while doing dishes
4.  A brief departure from the love theme to get a photo of the Valentine birthday boy in preparation for his party next week... can you guess the theme?
5.  The masterpiece is complete!  Shouldn't he open an etsy shop?
(Do you know what it says?  hint: the "O" is the symbol for God)
6.  Filling cupid's mailboxes -
couldn't resist the every popular idea of $1 Target mailboxes glued to glass candle stick holders
7.  Mailing this package to another Valentine birthday girl
8.  Making my bed, this is taped over my side!
9.  Home from school, checking her mailbox
10.  Trader Joe's run gave me something new to try
Hope your weekend is filled with LOVE!
ten on ten button


  1. Those signs are so impressive. He most definitely should open an etsy shop. Happy friday to you!

  2. Love the three mailboxes on the stands!

  3. Gorgeous set! Your little guy in the green is adorable! Also, I LOVE the sign!

  4. Awww, cute mailboxes on stands! Beautiful, bright pictures. Little man in green is adorable.

  5. I have those same mailboxes for my family, love them! I love :) your vday mantle, so cute!

  6. fun 10 on 10 :) did you get that mailbox idea from emily anderson? so cute. and your banner is extra festive. no valentine's decor going up around here this week. my son's birthday is on the 14th and it's THE DEATH STAR instead ;)

  7. I love those little Target mailboxes, we have a few floating around at our house :). Great set!
