
Friday, August 26, 2011


We had our little annual End of Summer Splash yesterday and it was a blast.  Thankfully it was one of our warmest days, so no one hesitated to get wet!
Of course there were my favorite Dollar Store ruffles, zucchini bread for the Momas (my garden is still overflowing with zucs!), and my children painted the dollar frames from Michael's to hold summer photos of their friends.  Super simple and allowed the children to own the party and have an afternoon of art!
We had a water fight, water balloon toss, sprinkler fun, and ended the afternoon in the pool (how cute is this little dude and his Moma?  I call him Nacho because he does crazy wrestling moves like Nacho Libre!)
We had a pot-luck lunch - it was hard for me to ask everyone to bring something (why?) but it made it so much easier on me and the food was super yummy!!  One of my girl friends made the drinks: blackberry mint lemonade and strawberry limeade - soooo delicious!  I made some cupcakes and copied an idea I saw to put the little gummy bears in gummy lifesavers - how fun is that?
A wonderful time was had by all!
I'm taking a little blogging break for a week as this is my final week before my girls start kindergarten! 
I'll be back September 2nd with some thoughts and that zucchini bread recipe.


  1. looks like so much fun! great decor! we are so sad to see the end of summer, but the kids are happy to start a new school year. good luck to you all!

  2. i absolutely LOVE the gummy bear in the life very cute and creative!! enjoy your blogging sabbatical; looking forward to zucchini bread recipe!!!
