
Friday, August 5, 2011

Not All Stalkers Are Bad

Last night my daughters and I flew up north to get the girls settled in for Grammie Camp which starts on Sunday.  My folks love to host the littles for a week and spoil them rotten!  And while in my hometown, I met up with some of my girlfriends that I grew up with for lunch.  We used to be some serious Christian Artist stalkers back in the day – Steven Curtis Champman, DC Talk, Rich Mullens… you name ‘em, we’ve stalked ‘em!  I’m pretty proud of our stalker moves that got us back stage, in sound checks, and in uninvited “meet & greets.”  But the sisters topped them all today as Molly shared about her recent Holy Land trip.  While in Israel, she overheard that Steven Curtis Chapman was also in the Holy Lands.  She e-mailed her sister back home to find out where exactly his tour was and with some serious stalker moves, Emily got his complete itinerary and sent it off to her sister.  And who just happened to “run into” SC2 in Israel?  Yep, Molly did!  She even got a photo to prove it!!  Those girls have some serious skills.  We talked, laughed, caught up and I can honestly say that I felt more like myself today than I have in a long time.  We have so many shared experiences together that our reminiscing could last forever.  But best of all, these girls are Jesus stalkers and that holds us closer than any past memory.  See, not all stalkers as bad!  They pursue Jesus like they did SC2 in Israel – no holding back!  And that is pretty awesome.  Happy Weekend and go stalk Jesus - he's worth the pursuit!


  1. Awesomeness! I was a stalker in high school! Went to a DeGarmo and Key concert and actually got to go into their bus for an autograph! Those were the days... I was at every concert I could go to back then! Ahhhh..the memories!

  2. Haha I bet you got some great memories out of those awesome concerts!
