
Monday, August 22, 2011


“Mommy,” she says in her best whisper.  “Mommy, can I color?”  It’s 5:59am and although I’m clearly sleeping, she is not!  She wakes up with her wheels spinning.  She’s ready to create something.  My children are always creating.  From painting pictures and coloring to building “ant city” in our backyard with leaves and lizard houses with grass and sticks.  They don’t simply look at the world for what it is and sit back and observe what someone else has made.  They see the world as raw materials and they’re ready to dive in and create.  I marvel at their busy imagination and their desire to make things.  It’s beautiful.  God has uniquely made each of us to create something to express to the world who we are, and when we do, we are revealing a deeper artist – The Artist.  There is no need to be hindered by the little voice that says, “I’m not crafty.”  “I can’t sew.”  “I am not creative.”  You’ve been created in the image of the ultimate creator, so by very nature, you are creative!  Be inspired by your children and create something with them to show the beauty of God through art.

1 comment:

  1. this. It's so true...we were made by a creative creator. Love how you give your kids room to be little artists'. :)
