
Friday, July 29, 2011

Yummy Summer - End of Summer Splash

This is my last Yummy Summer post. I hope this little series has been fun and given you a few new ideas of things
to try with your families this summer!

My last idea for summertime fun is an “End of Summer Splash” – or an end of the summer party. We did this last year and had so much fun that we’re working on another big splash for next month.
We invited all of our little friends over for all sorts of water play to say good bye to summer (although the weather is fabulous until late October in California, we still have to go back to school!).
We swam, played in the water table, splashed in the kiddie pool, played in the sprinklers, but the most beloved activity was the water fight! Simple buckets of water at either end of the grass and cups for everyone! It was a blast.

Each mother brought lunch for her children and I made lunch for the mothers. This year I’m going to go pot-luck style for everyone. And this year I might theme it up – rainbow style!
Check out some fun ideas I’ve pinned on my pinterest board!
Start planning now for a fun backyard end of summer party to give the season it's proper farewell!
I hope that you enjoy every last weeks of summer and if you do anything fabulous, please share!
We love to try new things around here.
Yummy Summer is a weekly project to share our summertime ideas.
Join the fun:
• post your fabulous idea for a summertime craft, day trip, activity, tip, recipe… you name it! And either link up or share your ideas in a comment below.

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