
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I’m not really sure how it happened.  I don’t really know when it started.  But I recently knew I had to stop.  They’d ask for one more cookie – “no, not right now.”  They’d ask to pull out all the paints to do art – “no, let’s do that tomorrow.”  They’d ask me to play school and be their teacher – “no, how about we build a puzzle.”  On and on, to nearly all their requests, I said, “no.”  It wasn’t an angry “no.”  It was more of a lazy, I don’t really feel like it, selfish “no.”  Yuck!  I didn’t even know I was doing it and I’m not sure what woke me up to stop, but enough was enough, it was time to say “yes.”  I became totally aware of my “no” obsession and tried new responses – “ok, sure, that sound’s great, I’d love to do that, do you want more milk with your cookies too?”  The whole mood has lightened.  Their faces smile more.  I feel alive and present instead of dragging and tired.  I’m having fun!  And best of all, I feel like I’m honoring God with the responsibility He’s given me to be a Mother.  I’ll bet it was Him who told me to stop.  He’s a loving Father like that and wants more for me and more for my kids.  He disciplines those He loves.  Do you need to stop?
*Come back Friday to share your favorite summer recipes


  1. great reminder to say yes! thanks for linking up!

  2. What a great post! Unfortunately I feel myself doing this more and more as summer break goes on. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Great post, great reminder! Thank you!
