
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It Only Takes A Spark

We had a lovely 4th of July! 

The children were in their first parade, we made homemade lemonade, friends came over to BBQ hamburgers with corn on the cob and potato salad, and I got a private fireworks show from my backyard while the rest of the family was fast asleep! 
I must tell you about the parade though – my dear friend Sheena is amazing! 

She is the creative mom that always goes the extra mile to make every occasion special and memorable.  2 years ago she made a little poster inviting the neighborhood kids to be in a 4th of July parade.  There was a cute turn out and the kids had a blast.  On Monday, for the 3rd annual, Liberty Canyon 4th of July Parade, there were about 400 people there!  It was amazing.  Old cars draped in red, white and blue bunting led the way, followed by kids on bikes, families walking with flags, a man playing his trumpet, a girl pulling a wagon with a homemade float blasting America The Beautiful!  You name it – it was there in red, white and blue!  With tears in my eyes, I looked at Sheena and said, “you did all this.  Can you believe it?”  Her response was, “it only takes a spark.”  How many times have you had an idea but didn’t act on it out of fear of failure?  “What if no one comes?”  “What if I look like a fool?”  “What if I make a mistake?”  BUT, what if people are blessed by your idea?  What if you start a movement?  What if 400+ people show up?  What if you succeed?  It only takes a spark!


  1. Thanks for your encouragement, Rae. It was pretty amazing, huh! P.S. I want to eat that trifle next year! xoxo

  2. I love it. Every single ounce of it. You know we'd be there, with bells on.
