
Sunday, July 10, 2011

10 on 10 July

This is my first time participating in 10 on 10!  It's when you take a photo every hour, for 10 hours, on the 10th of the month!  So, on July 10th, here are 10 photos from my day!

1.  early morning jaunt to the garden to pick jumbo zucchini in our jammies
2.  ground zucchini, preparing for canning zucchini relish
(come back Friday for the Yummy Summer recipe - it's so good!)
3.  ironing my top for church
4.  rushing out of the house to get to church on time
(Daddy bear was working today and I successfully got all 3 kids out of the house on time!)
5.  Little dude in full tantrum in the car after church
(he stayed in there and screamed for about 1/2 hour!  Awesome!)
6.  Sissy helping make quesadillas for lunch
7.  what 2 year old prefers a salad for lunch?  mine!
8.  a little show the ladies put on while little dude napped
(obviously he needed it after the melt down!)
9.  swim time
10.  BBQ flank steak for dinner

It was a great day!
Linking up with A Bit Of Sunshine


  1. The swimming picture is my favorite!
    And now I want steak. :)

  2. I love the way she's flying through the air into the pool!

  3. Great 10!
    Love the leap during swim time ;D

  4. Your zucchini are impressive! Love the mid-leap into the pool - my boys LOVE when I capture shots like that, they ask to see them again and again. Great set!

  5. OMG Great pictures!!! Love the one of the little girl jumping in the pool!

  6. Looks like a fun day- great pictures!
    What cute kiddos you have!

  7. This was the first time that I participated in 10 on 10, too! It has been a lot of fun!

  8. Love your set! What a beautiful family! My girls love salad. My oldest girl (age 5) will eat any fruit or vegetable. She is a self proclaimed "fruit and vegetable girl!"
