
Monday, June 27, 2011

The Right Thing

We kicked off our first week of summer with lots of activity!  Daddy left with the kids to start the grandparent tour (more on that Friday) and I stayed behind to play with my uncle visiting from Michigan!  My uncle had planned his visit almost a year ago and we were thrilled to have him.  Then with some job changes, this was the only week my husband could get off all summer – so something had to give.  We talked about me staying behind for a bit and joining the tour mid-way.  But honestly, I dreamed of staying home for 5 days, all alone!  When I say dreamed, I really mean fantasized!  Can you even imagine being all alone at your house for 5 days?  Imagine the cupboards you could clean out.  Imagine the SLEEP you could get.  Imagine the late night movies, running errands kid free, spa dates, magazines, beach… ahh, what a glorious treat!  After a few fights and struggles, I knew in my heart that the right thing to do would be to leave my uncle and fly out to join the annual grandparent tour.  I didn’t want to.  Not at all.  But I knew it was the right thing to do.  I knew my husband wanted (and secretly needed) me there with him.  But all that was within me wanted to stay home and indulge.  The decision was left up to me.  I was so close!  But I bit the bullet and booked a ticket.  I felt so much like an adult – doing what was right instead of what was easy.  As wives we are daily given the choice to serve our husbands first, or ourselves.  As parents we are faced with the decision to serve our children or serve ourselves.  As people we are forced to choose to serve God or serve ourselves.  It’s hard to do the right thing.  But there is great blessing in the sacrifice.  I did have two glorious days at home packed full of adventure with my hilarious uncle!  And if I stayed home to read magazines and clean out my cupboards, I would have missed all this:
the swings in the middle of the woods,  beautiful

The smiles in the pool

Seeing the progress of my brother's new home

capturing this moment which is a new favorite photo of mine

watching my children play in the peddal car I drove as a child

seeing my motorcycle obsessed son light up when Papa brought this out

walking down to the creek where my husband played as a child

watching that flower float down the creek

and the exhausted littles, giving evidence to a fun packed week
I'm grateful that I didn't miss a thing.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a fun time! you probably would've gotten lonely at home anyway!! :)
