
Friday, May 6, 2011

Grateful For My Fairy Godmother

I truly have the most wonderful Mother in the world! And after getting married, I welcomed two other wonderful Mother in Laws into my life – I am very blessed!

What can I say about my mom?
She truly is all that I aspire to be.
She is joyful and smiling almost always
she cares for and serves others in a tireless way
everything she touches she makes warm
she is selfless
and my Fairy God Mother!
She has come to my rescue time and time again.
With her magical ways, fervent prayer, and servant’s heart
she has taken great care of me and my family over and over again.

Thank you Mom
Happy Mother’s Day
I love you
It’s no secret that I’ve gained my love of entertaining from her, and that she gained hers from her mother. She is always here to help with all of my parties, and her granddaughters’ 5th birthday
The Fairy Garden Party
was no exception.
My mother was the Fairy Godmother extradinaire!
Monday, my post will be dedicated to all the magical fun
(I couldn't pull it off for today - there are too many fabulous photos!!)

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