
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Embrace Papa

It's Embrace the Camera day!! We just got back from a wonderful week with Grandparents to celebrate Thanksgiving and I thought I'd highlight my Dad, Papa, for this embrace! It means the world to me that my Dad is so in love with my children!
And we're all convinced that Mack is a Mini Me of my Dad!!! Papa & Mack taking a stroll through the old Empire Mine

Grandpa, Emma, Georgia & Papa at our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

Papa took the kids for a ride in the old car my Grandfather built for my mother and her siblings when they were little. Georgia had a blast!

Papa teaching Mack to play the piano. Can't you just die for his expression?!! It's either, "wow Papa, you're amazing." Or, "Really? Is that all you've got?"
*See you back here tomorrow for a new idea in Holiday Must Haves & Traditions on Grateful Heart Friday!!


  1. so cute! I love all the pictures

  2. totally and completely love all of these photos.

  3. beautiful pics :) Love LOVE the name Georgia :)

  4. all these pictures were great!

  5. Their little pigtails are too cute!

  6. your kids will love to look back and see all these awesome photos with their grandpas! what a great idea!

  7. Love all of these photos... especially that first one and that last one.... melts my heart :)

  8. Seriously the sweetest pictures I've seen all day!

  9. What awesome pics. I love them. My dad passed five years ago amd we have very few pictures of him with our boys so I think its great that you have these.

  10. Awww, what precious images they will have of their grandpas. Precious!
