
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Fun

I didn't get a regular post in yesterday, but Grammie just left and the guest room which holds the computer is free, so I thought I'd post a little Halloween Fun from the weekend!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! Maybe it's the candy, maybe it's the freedom to dress up silly and intrude on your neighbors that you've never met, I'm not really sure!
But each year I look forward to all the festivities.

The Little Ladies carving pumpkins with Daddy

Each year we have a family dinner party with friends before we head out to Trick-Or-Treat.
I love the totally themed out families!!

My girlfriend made all these costumes! Who has time for that with 2 little ones?
She does - Super Mom!!

My family was not so themed out!!! Daddy - Gum Stuck to the Bottom of a Shoe,
Grammie Pirate, Mommy the Black Widow (I have a box of my Grandmother's old hats and I just had to make one work! When else will I get to wear them??), Emma Sleeping Beauty, Macky Garden Gnome, Georgia Giraffe

Our Garden Gnome was thrilled to meet his little inspiration

I think the parents might have had the most fun!!

Sleeping Beauty and The Gum

Cutest Giraffe I've ever seen!

Happy Halloween Everyone!


  1. OH my gosh...sooo fun! Love love love the costumes! A garden gnome! Who would've thought...soooo adorable!

  2. I second that! SO CUTE! And who would've thought of gum stuck under a shoe?!?

  3. I love how you love life. It's awesome. And so inspiring.

  4. Hilarious and adorable. Awesome photos!

  5. Thank you for another wonderful Halloween!!! We ALL love ALL of you!

  6. Looks like such a great time! How fun. :)
