
Friday, October 22, 2010


It’s the GHF Baby!! Grateful Heart Friday. Let’s get started with looking back at this week and cultivating our grateful heart!
In this lovely rainy week, I scrambled to find our zebra tent and teepee to set up in the family room as indoor entertainment for the kids! Yesterday, with some cranked up tunes, the littles started running through the tents and laughing like crazy until it happened. A loud thud and screaming. Baby boy had fallen inside the zebra and hit his mouth on the coffee table. As he cried, his sisters began to cry too and scramble to help in any way – running to the freezer to grab the kitty and fishy (frozen boo boo buddies), getting a bib to protect his shirt from the blood that was already all over it, Kleenex, milk, you name it! They sprang into action. I’m thankful for children that take care of each other and hurt when their siblings hurt.
I’m thankful for thunder, lightening, pouring rain, and Los Angeles when there is no traffic!! Even in the rain! I’m grateful for women in my life who being with them for a few hours is never enough! I’m thankful for spur of the moment play dates that are the best, celebrating my mom’s birthday, and children’s giggles ringing through our home. I’m thankful for a little artist that draws me pictures everyday, and a little singer that makes my life like living in a musical. I’m thankful for a late night out with a dear friend last night with fun conversation and great food. I’m grateful that it’s Friday! I’m grateful for the tea I get to go to tomorrow with more fabulous women. Most of all I’m thankful for my God who has shown me His power this past week, His grace, His care, and His love.
Now it’s your turn – take a few moments to reflect on all the blessings from this past week and cultivate your grateful heart!

1 comment:

  1. A truly touching post, but I couldn't help but giggle at your thanks for 'Los Angeles when there is no traffic'. When does that ever happen? ha!
