
Intentional Family

How serious do we take this precious role of Mother? How intentional are we with forming, guiding and creating our family? We should approach family with the same intention, vision and drive that a CEO approaches a business venture. We only get one shot at this. We only have our children for 18 quick years (well, usually!). It’s worth our time and effort to be intentional with our families – to have a vision, goals, and a plan. To intentionally love our spouse. To intentionally raise our children to be men and women who know Jesus and make Him known. And to live a life worthy of the call God has placed in our lives to lead our family.
Intentional Family with be the umbrella of a Monday series on my blog.  This series will explore family life and share thoughts on how we can be more intentional stewards of this amazing gift. We'll look at being intentional in our parenting, marriages, and personal relationship with Jesus.  I hope you’ll join me in this interactive series and share your thoughts so that together we can make the most of every moment we have as Moms and create families that bring glory to God.
The first Monday of every month, the Intentional Family series will be interrupted by Make Out Monday!  A fun monthly date challenge to intentionally take time to keep dating your husband and investing in your marraige!
**The Monday Intentional Family series has come to a close, but you can read the archives by clicking the Label "Intentional Family" in the right sidebar.

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